
[Springone 2gx 2014 Dallas] Spring Framework on Java 8

StudioEgo 2016. 1. 9. 15:13

이제 슬슬 Java8에 대하여 대응을 해야겠음. 그래서 Java8책을 정독하고 문서도 계속 읽어봐야겠음.

Spring Framework도 Java8을 사용할수 있다고 하니 미리미리 대응을 해야 겠음.

Spring Framework on Java 8

Speakers:Juergen Hoeller 

Core Spring Track

Spring has a track record of providing dedicated support for new Java generations in a timely fashion, and now it’s right about time to go Java 8: With Spring Framework 4.0, we're providing in-depth support for all relevant OpenJDK 8 features, including lambda expressions, JSR-310 Date and Time, parameter name discovery, and java.util.concurrent enhancements. This talk will illustrate basic Spring Framework 4.0 concepts, and selected Java 8 features within Spring's programming model, exploring the impact on application architectures.
