Google+에 올라온 2011 Android Developer Lab Hong Kong 에서 발표된 내용입니다.


Now that our Android Developer Labs have wrapped up for 2011, with last week's ADL Hong Kong capping off the world tour, we'd like to share some of the presentation material we discussed during the events.

Introduction to Honeycomb APIs
A must-read for Android developers new to Android 3.0+ development.

Designing UIs for Phones and Tablets
Discusses techniques for crafting great user experiences for phone and tablet users. Based on the Google I/O 2011 presentation of the same name.

Android Market for Developers
An overview of recently added Android Market features for developers.

Developing Android Applications for Google TV
An update on developing Android apps for the latest version of Google TV, based on Android 3.1. Also discusses some interesting statistics on television usage.

Honeypad Tutorial
Dive into the development of a note-taking app that plays nice with phones and tablets. Makes use of the support library to ensure your fragments can be used on pre-Android 3.0 devices.

NOTE: Material related to Android 4.0 is not covered since the SDK wasn't launched until mid-way through our developer labs world tour. 

Android Tablet에 대해서 설명하다보니 Android OS 3.0 Homeycomb에 대해서 중점적으로 설명하였군요.

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