이번 Google I/O 2010행사때 발표가 된 A beginner's guide to Android의 동영상입니다.
A beginner's guide to Android
이 동영상을 1시간동안 보고나서 느낀점은 제목 그대로, 안드로이드 앱 개발하는 초보자들에게 이렇게 개발하라, 저렇게 하면 안된다는 식의 Android App의 개발 가이드를 알려주는 것 같았다.
한번정도는 앱 개발 한 사람이라면 공감할만한 이야기들이라 다시 들을 생각^^
내용을 간략히 요약하면 아래와 같다.
- The Golden Rules of Performance
- Don't do work that you don't need to do.
- Don't allocate memory if you can avoid it.
- Performance Pointer
- Optimalize judiciously.
- Avoid creating objects.
- Use native methods.
- Prefer Virtual over interface.
- Prefer static over virtual.
- Avoid internal setters and getters.
- Declare constants final.
- Avoid float and enums.
- Use package scope with inner class.
- The Five Deadly Sins
- SLOTH - Be fast. Be Responsive.
- GLUTTONY - Use system resources responsibly.
- HOSTILITY - Don't flight your uses.
- ARROGANCE - Don't fight the system.
- DISCRIMINATION - Design for everyone.
- The Five Glorious Virtues
- BEAUTY - Hire a designer.
- GENEROSITY - share and consume.
- UBIQUITY - Be more than an icon.
- UTILITY - Be useful. Be interesting
- ERIC(NESS) - Be legendary.
- Summary
- Be good.
- Don't be lazy.
- Think about Performance.
- Think about the user experience.
- Respect your users.
- Respect the system.
- Think BIG!
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