Linux Magazine 2006년 5월호 기사입니다.

The Inevitable, Eventual, Free Linux Desk/Laptop

Will Linux reach mainstream desktops and laptops without a major vendor making the push? Several vendors have recently stepped up to answer that question.
At CES in January 2006, Google co-founder Larry Page made a public show of his company's support (sans details) for MIT's $100 laptop, designed to "revolutionize how we educate the world's children".
At the end of January, Red Hat announced support for the project as well. At the time of this writing, the company is working on adapting Fedora and plans to make the project an open and public one. The company also signed on as a platinum supporter of the Desktop Linux Summit, an event Linspire launched three years ago and still runs.
The New York Times also reported that Nicolas Negroponte, who is running the $100 laptop projects, is close to lining up $700 million from seven countries - China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Thailand, Egypt and Nigeria - interested in buying 7 million of the units, A Taiwanese manufacturer was also reportedly lined up.
Meanwhile, Nat Friedman showed off Novell's Linux Desktop 10 in Paris. He played videos and MP3 music files (with Banshee, Novell's own player, using licensed patents), downloaded pictures from a digital camera and exchanged photos with an iPod. He also showed off XGL, an open-source graphics subsystem. Right now, it's on track to be available by the time you read this.
And, of course, the noncommercial open-source projects - GNOME, KDE, and so on - continue to move forward.
-Doc Searls

실제로 MIT의 Negroponde교수가 한말대로 $100 노트북이 나올까? 궁금하기도 하고. 이런 일을 가능하게 하려는 사람들이 있어서 대단하다는 생각이 든다.

미래 사회에는 정보를 얻는 계층과 정보를 얻지 못하는 계층과의 정보 격차가 엄청나게 커질것이라는 예상이 있었는데 말이다.
미래 사회에는 정보 이용 및 획득에 정보 격차가 많이 없어졌으면 하는 바람이 있다.

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